Weekly Plant: Forget-Me-Not


Forget-Me-Not Blooing (Source)

Myosotis scorpioides or “Forget-Me-Not” belong in the Boraginacese family. This flower’s origin comes from an old legend of a knight and his lady walking along a river. He was holding a bouquet of these flowers on their walk. He fell into the river due to the weight of his armor. As he was fall he threw the bouqet at his lady yelling “Forget-Me-Not”.

This flower’s meanings are undying love, rememberance after partinings or death, and growing affections between two people. Most flowers in the Myosotis genus are called Forget-Me-Nots. It’s Greek name translated to mouse’s ear as the petals resemble small mice ears. The English name did not arrive untill the 1400 century where it was used all over Europe. This flower is also a symbol of the Arminian Genocide of 1915, information of that here, and for the Alzheimer’s Society to raise awareness for the disease. While it has many meanings in the UK and US, this flower is rarely used in other countries.

The Classic Forget-Me-Not (Source)

These guys don’t know their boundaries! If you’d like to plant some of these into your garden they will pop up in unwanted spaces. Plant these flowers in places that are too wet to support other flower’s root systems. These guys love shade. The shade provides a cool and nice enviroment to retain mositure.

Fun Facts: The classic Forget-Me-Not is a light blue and has five petals. These flowers can be pink, purple, or white, but only with careful breeding. These flours are poisonous, so be careful with them. People would create teas to cure lung problems and stop bleeding. Now we know this flower can cause liver damage and cancer. “Make memories that last and extend your caring to those that need it the most.” – Flower Meaning. Check out their site for more meaning and other plants.


5 thoughts on “Weekly Plant: Forget-Me-Not

  1. I enjoyed reading this blog post. It was very interesting and informing. When I saw the picture that you provided, I was like, “Oh how nice, I would want my boyfriend to get me those flowers.” Then, as I kept reading, turns out it’s poisonous. It’s crazy how this flower can cause liver damage and cancer.


  2. I really enjoy your flower posts! I think its awesome to get a little more insight on the flowers we see in our everyday lives. I didn’t know the forget me not was poisonous, thanks for the info!


  3. Learning the history and information on forget-me-nots was really interesting to learn about! I didn’t know that they were poisonous and that they can be different colors.


  4. Interesting, are you into botany or was this a random post? I too love plants and flowers, I feel that their vibrant greens and pastels bring life into an area. I recently purchased some orchids and a money tree, both of which are doing great in the low light of my apartment. If you are indeed a botanist, I would love to talk to you about how to maintain their health and happiness. I currently play them Rachmaninoff in the evenings but I’m not sure how to tell if they like it.


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